Roselle NJ Window Bars
Interior or Exterior Window Bars for Vulnerable Locations

We provide a bespoke service in providing window and door bars made to measure to your exact requirements. We are often asked which of the bar systems we sell is the best. We always answer this with; “it depends on the application that the bars are for, all options offer good physical and deterrent security, but you have to consider the application so that you can make the correct choice”.
When considering which window bars system you require please ask yourself;
Are the window bars for interior or exterior use?
Do you have to consider the aesthetics of the installation?
Do you need to consider maintenance of the windows?
Is access required through the window for room or building contents?
Do you need horizontal fixing instead of the more normal vertical?
Are the bars for domestic, commercial or industrial application?
What colour finish do I need? (standard colour is white other colours available at extra cost)
Armed with these answers you can consider the three options we have available:-
Removable Internal Security Window Bars
The award-winning SeceuroBar system features a host of innovative features yet offering exceptional security. The system has a two part anti-cut steel bar system, which are securely locked into position to protect vulnerable window openings, but can be released from the inside to allow total vision or maintenance of windows.
These quality window bars are an ideal solution for domestic applications and suitable for installation in both the horizontal or vertical positions. The system is finished to a very high standard, no painting or extra finishing is required, the powder coating provides a truly maintenance free installation.
These bars are locked in place on the inside of the window using very strong extruded aluminium profiles which retain the bars, but yet can be released quickly from the inside to allow total vision or maintenance of windows as required.
Where you are fitting more than one set per room or building floor then it is possible to 'Key alike' the locks so that you only have one key per room or floor, this upgrade is free of charge.
When considering which window bars system you require please ask yourself;
Are the window bars for interior or exterior use?
Do you have to consider the aesthetics of the installation?
Do you need to consider maintenance of the windows?
Is access required through the window for room or building contents?
Do you need horizontal fixing instead of the more normal vertical?
Are the bars for domestic, commercial or industrial application?
What colour finish do I need? (standard colour is white other colours available at extra cost)
Armed with these answers you can consider the three options we have available:-
Removable Internal Security Window Bars
The award-winning SeceuroBar system features a host of innovative features yet offering exceptional security. The system has a two part anti-cut steel bar system, which are securely locked into position to protect vulnerable window openings, but can be released from the inside to allow total vision or maintenance of windows.
These quality window bars are an ideal solution for domestic applications and suitable for installation in both the horizontal or vertical positions. The system is finished to a very high standard, no painting or extra finishing is required, the powder coating provides a truly maintenance free installation.
These bars are locked in place on the inside of the window using very strong extruded aluminium profiles which retain the bars, but yet can be released quickly from the inside to allow total vision or maintenance of windows as required.
Where you are fitting more than one set per room or building floor then it is possible to 'Key alike' the locks so that you only have one key per room or floor, this upgrade is free of charge.
A few concerned homeowners go beyond window bars, utilizing alienated poochies, razor wire, alarm systems, even
protection from a higher power. Statues of the Virgin Mary, housed in plexiglass trophy cases or in a spotlit niche.

Still, security bars are as often removed today in southern Mid-City as installed. Frequently the catalyst for bar removal is the simple need to paint. After the purge, some residents initially feel a bit exposed, even vulnerable, though usually such feelings are short-lived. Most later indicate a greater sense of engagement and connectedness with the exterior.
Many homeowners remove their security grilles an exposure at a time--an audition of sorts, beginning in the front, and ending in the rear.
"It isn't fun," I countered, "it's a freshet of hot sparks, flakes of metal, and
paint--hard, dirty work....I'll call Josh, we'll be right over."
Many homeowners remove their security grilles an exposure at a time--an audition of sorts, beginning in the front, and ending in the rear.
"It isn't fun," I countered, "it's a freshet of hot sparks, flakes of metal, and
paint--hard, dirty work....I'll call Josh, we'll be right over."
I'm asked repeatedly about the presence of security bars in West Adams.

Mostly, they're a vestige of an earlier, more fearful time, beginning with the 'defensible spaces' discourse of the 1970's. Form follows fear. These bars were installed at least two owners ago, prior to 1990.
The holes left by the bolts can be filled with wood dowels, chiseled, filled, and sanded flush.
Manufacturers seek to make these impregnations more decorative, like wrought iron rather than mild steel, with ridiculous curly ques, spears, finials, and twists.
Rather like trying to make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
The holes left by the bolts can be filled with wood dowels, chiseled, filled, and sanded flush.
Manufacturers seek to make these impregnations more decorative, like wrought iron rather than mild steel, with ridiculous curly ques, spears, finials, and twists.
Rather like trying to make a silk purse of a sow's ear.
Painting burglar bars is boring but it's something that needs to be done

It's something that needs doing every now and then -- painting the burglar bars.
Unfortunately, it's not like something from Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," where Tom persuades other kids to whitewash his Aunt Polly's fence.
I could "persuade" others to do the work by offering cash, but then why should I pay when I can do it myself?
Anyway, there are 10 windows on the house, so there are 10 sets of burglar bars. So far I've done seven. Two of the remaining three seem to be the most difficult since they're covering the kitchen and bathroom windows, both small and kind of high up on the wall, especially the bathroom window.
What is needed: one soft-bristled brush, 1 1/2 inches wide, narrow and wider coarse sand paper (I used 80 grit), a sand paper block to make sanding easier, old newspaper, paint thinner, an old brush (to brush the dust from the bars) and paint! I use Rustoleum brand paint, leather brown, since that goes well with the house.
First, sand the old paint enough so you can scratch through the surface and give the new paint something to adhere to. Also, be sure to sand rusted areas thoroughly. Use the narrower sand paper strips to get into the decorative curlicues. When finished, brush the bars with the old paint brush to get all of the loose dust from sanding off. It's not necessary to sand down to the bare medal.
Then begin painting. I pour some paint into a small container and paint from there. Cover the window and area below the window with a plastic sheet or newspaper to protect against splashing paint. Then carefully paint the bars. Be sure to get inside the decorative curlicues. I start at the top and work my way down.
Then let everything dry thoroughly. The next day you can look over your work carefully and touch up what you missed or needs more going over.
Clean your brush with paint thinner. It also is effective in removing paint from your skin.
Unfortunately, it's not like something from Mark Twain's "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," where Tom persuades other kids to whitewash his Aunt Polly's fence.
I could "persuade" others to do the work by offering cash, but then why should I pay when I can do it myself?
Anyway, there are 10 windows on the house, so there are 10 sets of burglar bars. So far I've done seven. Two of the remaining three seem to be the most difficult since they're covering the kitchen and bathroom windows, both small and kind of high up on the wall, especially the bathroom window.
What is needed: one soft-bristled brush, 1 1/2 inches wide, narrow and wider coarse sand paper (I used 80 grit), a sand paper block to make sanding easier, old newspaper, paint thinner, an old brush (to brush the dust from the bars) and paint! I use Rustoleum brand paint, leather brown, since that goes well with the house.
First, sand the old paint enough so you can scratch through the surface and give the new paint something to adhere to. Also, be sure to sand rusted areas thoroughly. Use the narrower sand paper strips to get into the decorative curlicues. When finished, brush the bars with the old paint brush to get all of the loose dust from sanding off. It's not necessary to sand down to the bare medal.
Then begin painting. I pour some paint into a small container and paint from there. Cover the window and area below the window with a plastic sheet or newspaper to protect against splashing paint. Then carefully paint the bars. Be sure to get inside the decorative curlicues. I start at the top and work my way down.
Then let everything dry thoroughly. The next day you can look over your work carefully and touch up what you missed or needs more going over.
Clean your brush with paint thinner. It also is effective in removing paint from your skin.
Protecting Children at Home, Day Care Centers, and Schools - Window Guards and Falls

Children falling from windows and balconies may seem rare but these tragic events occur more frequently then you may think. In fact, falls cause approximately 2.5 million injuries, which require hospital treatment, in children 14 under. Accounting for more than 50% of those falls, are children under the age of 5-years-old. Plus, 80% of these types of accidents occur within the home.
It has been suggested by child experts that a window screen is an insufficient method to protect one’s child from falling out of a window; a child window guard would be the optimal preventative measure.
It is a parent’s primary responsibility to protect and supervise his or her child. However, even the most attentive parent can be distracted. Inevitable distractions coupled with the fact that the majority of falls occur during the time of day when children are most active (e.g., during the hours of playtime) are the main factors to support the installation of a child window guard. These factors present themselves too frequently. A parent can be watching their child, mid-afternoon, and the phone rings. The parent leaves the room to answer the phone and is gone for no more than 10 seconds. Although short in time, this duration is actually long enough to result in a terrible accident. Installing a child window guard would not only shield parents and their children from experiencing a fall, but it would also give an additional sense of security throughout the home; something every family could use. Window guards at homes, schools, day care centers, and other locations where children are present can also protect other children as well. The investment in a proper window guard system is well worth the protection it can provide to children.
It has been suggested by child experts that a window screen is an insufficient method to protect one’s child from falling out of a window; a child window guard would be the optimal preventative measure.
It is a parent’s primary responsibility to protect and supervise his or her child. However, even the most attentive parent can be distracted. Inevitable distractions coupled with the fact that the majority of falls occur during the time of day when children are most active (e.g., during the hours of playtime) are the main factors to support the installation of a child window guard. These factors present themselves too frequently. A parent can be watching their child, mid-afternoon, and the phone rings. The parent leaves the room to answer the phone and is gone for no more than 10 seconds. Although short in time, this duration is actually long enough to result in a terrible accident. Installing a child window guard would not only shield parents and their children from experiencing a fall, but it would also give an additional sense of security throughout the home; something every family could use. Window guards at homes, schools, day care centers, and other locations where children are present can also protect other children as well. The investment in a proper window guard system is well worth the protection it can provide to children.